The end of the year is a good time to pause and reflect on the journey you've taken over the past 12 months. The following questions aim to give you things to consider when it comes to what you want the next year to look like for you.

To understand yourself and grow... take a quiz
How much do we know about the LGBTQ community? Let us put this to the test and learn more about the community and ourselves through this quiz.
Everyone expresses anger in various ways. What is your typical style of expressing anger?
Where does your well-being stand? Are you feeling happy or the opposite? Assess now.
Relationships with colleagues affect our ability to succeed.
Healthy communication equals a health relationship.
Take this life tool to understand how healthy your diet is.
Identify your typical responses while parenting your child.
Take this test to understand your current level of stress.
Lack of sleep affects all areas of our life- personal and professional. Find out if you are at risk.
Do you respect and value yourself for who you are?
We feel sad when there is a concern. But is it temporary or long lasting sadness? Test and find out.
Are you making the right screen time rules for your children? Test to find out how much is healthy.
Conflicts in relationships and have varied reactions. What is your reaction?
Let's check your knowledge of healthy and unhealthy self care objects!
Sharing emotional intimacy with someone might also be cheating.
Progress up the corporate ladder calls for better interpersonal skills. Test your people skills now.
Do you feel awkward around people? Find out where you stand with this tool.
A diamond is a piece of charcoal that handled stress really well.
Are you doing all that you can do to give yourself the best chance for refreshing and healthy sleep?
Nutrients in food fuel the body and maintain health. How much do you know about them?
How strong is your need for the internet? Test to know your dependency.
Find out by checking your BMI.
Studies show that happy people enjoy benefits. Evaluate and find out how likely-to-be happy you are.
Is it easy to express your opinions or do you end up complying with others?
Everyone gets angry, but some people feel it more intensely than others. Evaluate your anger.
You may enjoy your drink, but does that mean you are alcohol- dependent? Test to find out.
It's natural to feel some amount of anxiety. But are you excessively anxious? Assess with this test.